About Me

My name is Linus Torvalds, I'm a Finnish-American software engineer and the creator and, historically, the principal developer of the Linux kernel!
used by Linux distributions and other operating systems such as Android and Chrome OS.
And Hey I'm also the creator of GIT!
I atteneded the University of Helsinki between 1988 and 1996, graduating with a master's degree in computer science
By the way Im 51 years old and a total charming nerd!

My hobbies are playing pingpong, Poker and of course Coidng and sometimes hacking.
Love Oldrock music and Oldschool Rap(i know its suprising).

I'm greatly looking forward to meet virtually new people and talk to someone.

I know i am Super Intersting Person and I'm actually that famous that i have Wikipedia Page! Go and Check it out!

My Photos

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Me Handsome
Me Awesome!
With My Lovely DuffyDuck
Me Not Giving a damn F*ck :)
After inventing my baby Linux <3
In my youth Coidng my dream

My Playlist

This is my coding playlist

and in case you have Spotify check out my other playlist

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Scan this Image and be directed to this Awesome site!


What are the main Difference between Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0?
Web 1.0 - Is based on the idea of static websites meaning to limit the usage of the webste by reading the information presented without interactions with the user.
Web 2.0 - On the other hand, Web 2.0 is operated by interactive web sites. The user can actively interact and contribute on the web.
Web 3.0 - Includes web services and semantic markup to try to close the communication gap between the user and the programmed application.

Web 1.0 Web 2.0 Web 3.0
Definition Read-Only Read-Write Read-Write-Execute
Technologies File and Web Servers, Search Engines, Content and Enterprise Portals, Publish and Subscribe Technologies, P2P File Sharing Ajax and JavaScript frameworks, Adobe Flex, Blogs, Wikis, Instant Messaging Semantic Searching, Ontologies, Knowledge Bases, Personal Intelligent Digital Assistants
Type Plain Web Social Web Semantic Web
Amount of Users Millions Billions Trillons
Associated websites CNN Flikr, YouTube, Blogger GoogleMaps, My Yahoo!
Years 1990-2000 2000-2010 2010-2020

Use Case:Searching for new Headphones to purchase

Web 1.0: Here i will need to know the ecaxt url's for the sites i want to purchase from.

Web 2.0: Here i will utilize the search Engines algorithms to search for Headphones and i will also can get similar results and related search results from othe users,
and above this i will get high frequency updates.

Web 3.0: Here i will use AI and machine learning algorithms like google assistent to explore and find the best result for me.

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